Money, Money, Money
1 Timothy 6:10 The love of money causes all kinds of evil. Some people have turned away from what we believe because they want to get more and more money. But they have caused themselves a lot of pain and sorrow.
Money. You can’t live without it. And yet money and all the stuff it can buy, has a way of wrapping its tentacles around your heart. They say that the best things in life are free. Well, if that’s the case, why is it that so many people give up so much … for money?
People are working so hard to keep up appearances, to look successful, to live in the right suburb, send their kids to the right school, drive the right car, wear the right clothes – so much so, that instead of serving them, money becomes more of a tyrant.
God has a lot to say about money in the Bible, more than I ever expected in fact. But it’s not money itself that He has so much of a problem with.
The love of money causes all kinds of evil. Some people have turned away from what we believe because they want to get more and more money. But they have caused themselves a lot of pain and sorrow. (1 Timothy 6:10)
You often hear that passage misquoted: people say that “money is the root of all kinds of evil”, but quite clearly that’s not what God is saying here. It’s the love of money, our obsession with money that’s our undoing. And that’s something He wants to set us free from.
Can I ask you, to what extent, in your heart of hearts, do you dream about having more money? About winning the lottery and sailing on a yacht for the rest of your days around the Greek Islands … or whatever your dream of the ideal life is?
And when you look at your lifestyle, how hard you work, what you spend your money on, the things you desire to have that you can’t afford so you put them on the credit card, spending tomorrow’s income today … how much does your lifestyle, how much do your spending habits reflect a love of money?
And if money is your heart’s desire, what’s it costing you? Come on, be honest. What bad behaviour, envy, overwork, selfishness, is it driving in you?
I relate a lot to the last sentence in that verse: that the love of many has caused people a lot of pain and sorrow. Absolutely.
Money – it’s a great servant, but a terrible master.
That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.
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