Yearn for God

Psalm 42:1,2 As a deer longs for flowing streams, so my soul longs for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and behold the face of God? (NRSV)

There’s a scary thing happening amongst God’s people today. It revolves around what it means to be saved; to have the gift of eternal life. And on that day, I suspect that many are in for a rude shock.

So let me ask you, do you believe in Jesus? Perhaps the answer’s “yes”. Great. Tick in the box. Saved. So, what’s the problem? Here’s how A.W. Tozer puts it:

The doctrine of justification by faith – a biblical truth, and a blessed relief from sterile legalism and unavailing self-effort – has in our time fallen into evil company and been interpreted by many in such manner as actually to bar men from the knowledge of God. The whole transaction of religious conversion has been made mechanical and spiritless. Faith may now be exercised without a jar to the moral life and without embarrassment to the Adamic ego. Christ may be “received” without creating any special love for Him in the spirit of the receiver. The man is “saved,” but he is not hungry or thirsty after God. In fact, he is specifically taught to be satisfied and encouraged to be content with little.

So here’s the question: has believing in Jesus transformed your life, or is the old “you” still alive and well? Have you responded with a yearning for Him, or do the trinkets of this world still draw you away?

Psalm 42:1,2 As a deer longs for flowing streams, so my soul longs for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and behold the face of God? (NRSV)

The heart that thirsts for Christ is certain of its salvation. The one that doesn’t, isn’t. Yearn for Him!

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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